Sunday, March 1, 2015


This past week we were hit with a snowstorm and Jackie and I were sick to boot. (somehow Rob dodged the germs!) Jack had his first ear infection and pink eye...poor guy! For being so sick, he really wasn't acting like it. He was flirting with the nurses at his pediatrician's office and playing with the light switch in the exam room, ("aan" and "off!")
We are finally getting better after two weeks of no sleep, runny noses, coughs and NyQuil for Mama. (I was pretty desperate to get some sleep and let me tell ya, that is some serious stuff!)
I am dying to get back to my running routine. With all the snow and ice and illnesses, my running schedule has been all messed up. Running for me is not optional. I need my daily dose of endorphins. This morning was ugly out there. It is pretty risky running in the dark, in the middle of the road (mostly side streets!) but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I can tell Jackie has been feeling the cabin fever as well. His favorite thing is to play outside, and that isn't really an option for a sick babe!
I've been wanting to get him a kitchen play set and I caved because I found one at Once Upon a Child for half of what it retails for. He loves it! It was a great snow day gift for Jackie and Mama. We played all weekend and he's thinks its so funny to serve me coffee and then pretend pour some in his sippy cup. I'd say we are off to a great start. 1st step to any encounter in the kitchen: Mama needs coffee.

I also treated our house to some tulips while shopping at Trader Joe's, they just remind me of Spring.

Image result for easter bunny cat

The Easter bunny even made an impromptu visit with some much needed treats.

I freshened up my fancy wardrobe of scrubs because I'm obviously feeling the need for some color in my life! The power of color is fascinating. We touched upon it in my last holistic nursing class and it really has made a difference in my mood when I have focused my awareness on colors that I'm drawn to. Currently, I am loving coral and papaya. Maybe my inner awareness is longing for something tropical, it could be the warmth of those colors that is comforting during this frigid weather. Who knows, but sometimes it's the little things in life.

As I reflect on the past couple of weeks, it seems like my mind and body are longing for warmer weather. Friday morning after my run, I was in the bathroom after my shower and I found myself standing in front of the window, soaking up the sun- while it was only for a moment (toddler at my feet, deranging the bathroom breaks any moment of peace)  the steam of the shower and warmth of the sun felt a-mazing.

Cheers to warming your soul, however you can during this crazy winter!

***We finally were able to make it out to play in the snow today. We had a blast sledding at "Meems" and "Beeps" and warmed up afterwards with some delicious soup and chili. ***
 Shoveling with a spoon?

 My boys!

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